How to Export CDR Files to Image Formats with CorelDraw CDR Converter ?
admin | January 10th, 2020 | Recover Data
CorelDraw is a popular graphic design software developed by Corel Corporation. It comprises of all tools that are required to edit photos, web graphics, illustration, layout, creating websites. CDR file format is a proprietary format which is utilized for vector graphic designs created by CorelDraw. Whenever users want to convert CDR to PDF, convert CDR to JPG, convert CDR to PNG, convert CDR to Word then they require to install CorelDraw. However, if you want to convert CDR to Word, CDR to Excel, CDR to Web Pages then you can efficiently do this without installing CorelDraw. Yes! You can export CDR files with the help of CorelDraw CDR Converter.
If your CDR file is an image sort of file, then chances are high that it is a CorelDraw Image file. However, there are numerous applications that support .cdr file extension such as Adobe Illustrator, Corel Paintshop Photo Pro, Inkscape, Microsoft Visio 2002, etc. The first step is to find out which file you are working with before knowing about the programs that open it. Many users face problems while performing manual methods to convert CDR files and also it is time-consuming too. Now the question arises how you can open and convert CDR files without CorelDraw application? Well, it is possible with CDR file converter software freeware. It supports CDR files from CorelDraw (2019, 2017, X8, X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, 12 ), etc.
How to Use CDR Converter without CorelDraw ?
Follow these steps to convert CDR File without CorelDraw: –
- Step-1: Run the CDR file Converter tool on Windows OS.
- Step-2: Browse and search .cdr files from the database.
- Step-3: Choose a file saving format for CDR file conversion.
- Step-4: Enter a saving path for resultant converted data.
- Step-5: Press on the Convert button to start CDR conversion.
How Does CorelDraw CDR Converter Work ?
There are endless products available in the market to perform CDR file conversion. However, choosing the right one becomes tough. CorelDraw CDR Converter is one such tool that overcomes all the limitations of manual approaches to convert CDR files. It a multi-faceted utility as it provides multiple file-formats to export CDR files. With this wizard, the user can effectively convert CDR to JPG, CDR to GIF, CDR to BMP, CDR to PNG, CDR to TIFF, CDR to PDF, CDR to DOC, CDR to DOCX, CDR to XLS, CDR to HTML. Follow these steps to know how to export CorelDraw CDR files to these formats.
Firstly, you need to download the setup file of the CDR file converter. Install and run it carefully on your Windows machine.
After installation, read the instructions and click on the Next button to proceed further.
The software of CorelDraw Converter provides dual options to load CDR files into the software panel. Choose single or multiple CDR files from the database.
This ends the first phase of how to export CDR to PDF, JPG, PNG, Word formats
Select all CorelDraw files that you want to convert to different file formats.
CDR file Converter provides 10 file saving options to the users. Choose any format according to your requirements.
After selecting a file format, now you can pick a location where you want to save the resultant data.
Hit on the Convert tab to start CorelDraw CDR file conversion.
What Makes CDR File Converter Best Tool to Export CDR Files ?
Convert CDR files with all components: Various components of CorelDraw Vector image-based CDR files are preserved such as image margins, logos, business cards, barcodes, pamphlets, banner dimensions, etc during CDR file conversion.
Export CDR files to 10 formats: CorelDraw CDR Converter offers a wide range of file saving options. Using this, you can export CDR files to JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG, TIFF, PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, HTML formats.
Batch convert CorelDraw CDR files: The tool provides batch conversion options using which one can convert CDR files in bulk to supportable file formats.
Independent utility for converting CDR files: This wizard does not require to install CorelDraw in order to perform CDR to Word, CDR to Excel, CDR to Web Pages or other formats.
Supports all Windows OS: CDR Converter tool is a Windows-based product. It works effectively on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, etc.
Save Converted data as per user’s choice: Once the user has exported CDR files to other formats, they have the freedom to save the output as per their requirements.
Frequently Asked Queries
Ques1: How to convert CDR file to DOC ?
Ans: Just follow these guidelines to convert CDR to DOC:
1. Launch CDR Converter tool on any Windows OS.
2. Import CDR files/ folders to start CDR conversion.
3. Preview complete data from CDR files before saving.
4. Choose DOC as file saving option from the utility.
5. Press on the Convert tab to start CDR to DOC conversion.
Ques2: Does the software is capable to convert CDR files in batch ?
Ans: Yes, CorelDraw CDR Converter allows the users to export multiple CDR files in single processing.
Ques3: Is the tool compatible to work on all Windows versions ?
Ans: Yes, CDR file converter runs on all Windows-based OS.
Final Words
In the above write-up, we have explained a detailed step-by-step solution to convert CDR files. In order to reduce the shortcomings of manual approaches, one should always prefer an automated solution. CorelDraw CDR Converter fulfills all the requirements that one needs to export CDR files. It comes with a demo version so you free download CDR Converter and can test its functionality. It will allow you to export only 5 CDR files to the selected format. For smooth and unlimited CDR file conversion, buy its full pro version.